Phone : 0903820352 (Mr Chuong)
Hotline : Mr. DUNG 0918030427
Price : Contact us for best price
- Origin : Vietnam
- Condition : Order
Re-Freezer for seafood, poultry products... after freezing and glazing
Design and produce by modern technology, suit for products with high ratio glazing and save energy
Technical characteristic
All kind of materials made from stainless steel and others suit for....
Stainless steel or plastic mesh belt kind of each concreate product as require
High re-freezer capacity and special for product with high ratio glazing
We supply re-freezer cabinet only or completed system with refrigeration with features :
- Many capacities, kind of material... following each concreate product requirement
- Using NH3 refrigerant
- Using Freon refrigerant. Special, non-use liquid pump and low pressure vessel, refrigeration small and simple, easy control and operating, stable and low invest cost
In addition, we have solutions for produce, supply completed re-freezer with low prices for customers need re-freeze products by re-freezer but invest capital not much